Phillips, Green, Fryer, and Dovey (2001) present pleasant suggestions for collaboration of Nurse Practitioners and physicians. They note that differences exist among states as to the legal status and regulations governing APN practice regarding prescribing, licensing, and independence of practice. Phillips et al. (2001) notes these differences have and continue to create a growing separation and battle between the two professions, furthering difficulty in successful collaboration. Successful collaboration has been demonstrated to produce improved health outcomes for clients. Phillips et al. (2001) asks for new systems, models, and policies to provide “integrated education and collaborative care” in order to redesign and improve the U.S. health care system.
Phillips R.L., Green L.A., Fryer G.E., Dovey S.M., (2001). Trumping professional roles: collaboration of nurse practitioners and physicians for a better u.s. health care system. American Family Physician, 64(8). 1325.